Importance of colostrum in the equines: Review


  • Isadora Novelli de Alcantara Centro Universitário da Fundação de Ensino Octavio Bastos
  • Vitória de Paula Alvarenga Centro Universitário da Fundação de Ensino Octavio Bastos
  • Raimundo Nonato Rabelo Centro Universitário da Fundação de Ensino Octavio Bastos



breastfeeding, antibodies, colostrum, mothers, lactation


With the growth of equine farming in Brazil, knowledge about the equine species and its particularities has become essential. For horses to reach a healthy adulthood and become fit for their various purposes, it is not unknown that some care practices for newborns are crucial. Among them is passive immunization through maternal colostrum. It is known that foals are born extremely sensitive, as they acquire few immunoglobulins during fetal life due to the characteristics of the mare's placenta that do not allow for this exchange. Therefore, they are dependent on the immunity acquired postpartum through quality colostrum, and this must be guaranteed from the mother's health during pregnancy through adequate sanitary, prophylactic and environmental management, and appropriate nutritional control for each gestational phase. Apart from that, the breeders and caretakers of these animals must always be attentive to the sucking of that first milk, as the rate of colostrum absorption gradually decreases in the postpartum period, so the animal must be under observation until it ingests it. That is, colostrum care begins long before the birth of the foal and only ends when it becomes immunocompetent.


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Reprodução animal

How to Cite

Importance of colostrum in the equines: Review. (2023). Pubvet, 17(08), e1329.

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