Tubulopapillary carcinoma in a cat: A case report


  • Sthefany Kristinne Alves de Melo Faculdade Nova Esperança https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3323-4105
  • Higor Vinícius da Silva Camelo Faculdade Nova Esperança
  • Artur da Nóbrega Carreiro Faculdade Nova Esperança
  • Nadja Soares Vila Nova Faculdade Nova Esperança
  • José Rômulo Soares dos Santos Faculdade Nova Esperança
  • Marcos Wanderson Vieira Monteiro Faculdade Nova Esperança https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8373-8665
  • Giovana Stipp Balarin Laboratório Veterinário Stipp Lab
  • Cibely Cristina Nunes de Medeiros Laboratório Veterinário Stipp Lab
  • Danielle Nunes da Silva Faculdade Nova Esperança
  • Thaissa Shalana Oliveira Ramos Faculdade Nova Esperança




felines, oncology, pathology


Breast tumors in cats rank third in the series of tumors diagnosed in this species. About half of mammary tumors in dogs are malignant, whereas in cats, the odds reach 90%, which makes a detailed examination of the mammary chain essential, especially in cases of animals submitted to simple mastectomies with a history of tumors. This study will aim to analyze the clinical and anatomopathological aspects of a case of tubulopapillary carcinoma in a cat, mixed-breed, 9 years old, white coat, spayed. The animal was admitted to the Veterinary Hospital in the city of Bayeux, Paraíba, with a history of nodulation in the left abdominal breast, and circumscribed volume increase with a cystic aspect in the subcutaneous tissue in the neighboring region. Puncture of the subcutaneous cyst revealed a large volume of a viscous light-yellow-colored liquid, which was centrifuged and prepared in slides stained with rapid panoptic for cytological analysis. The anatomopathological study proposes to build information on the histogenesis of this tumor as well as its morphology, and thus contribute to the clinical oncology of felines with regards to tumor staging and increased patient survival.


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Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Tubulopapillary carcinoma in a cat: A case report. (2023). Pubvet, 17(06), e1407. https://doi.org/10.31533/pubvet.v17n6e1407

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