Equine animal performance and conditions using The Guardian Everyday with promixalicin


  • Marco Aurélio Factori Doutor em Zootecnia, Presidente Prudente – SP, Brasil
  • Roque Sanchez Costa Trato Saúde Animal, Alvares Machado – SP, Brasil
  • Daniela Seko Fernandes Médica Veterinária, Alvares Machado – SP, Brasil




Animal welfare, flies, horses, stress, testing times


The efficiency of the supplement The Guardian Everyday with Promixalicin was evaluated for 90 days in reducing stress behavior in horses in relation to: hematophagous flies; eggs per grams of stool; coat; hooves and performance times at three-barrel drills in the city of Alvares Machado/SP. A total of 4 horses (3 females and 1 male) were used, which made up the herd of a test center. During the 90 experimental days, the animals were evaluated every 15 days in regards to their behavior (restlessness, stress, responses to insect bites by shaking their head, tail and others), in addition to the test time for carrying out the test. of the three drums and analysis of feces for helminths. Regarding the data collected in the present experiment, namely the behavior of the animals, it can be inferred in relation to their calmness that they responded significantly when consuming the product, presenting less rebellious behavior and the like. As for their coat, by comparative and descriptive observation, there was a trend of improvement in the quality of hair, hooves, and mane. For data referring to endoparasites, Strongilids in general, animals that ingested Promixalicin significantly decreased the number of Eggs Per Grams in their feces. Regarding their three-barrel drill times, it can be inferred that it was significant, decreasing the average time of the animals by 0.3 seconds. The use of The Guardian Everyday with Promixalicin contributes to the control and maintenance of low levels of endo- and ectoparasites in animals, as well as improving their time in equestrian competitions, welfare, mane strengthening and growth, and improvement in coat and hooves.

Author Biography


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Nutrição e alimentação animal

How to Cite

Equine animal performance and conditions using The Guardian Everyday with promixalicin. (2023). Pubvet, 17(05), e1386. https://doi.org/10.31533/pubvet.v17n5e1386

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