Main irregularities identified by the Health Surveillance Department in butcheries located in the municipality of Nilópolis, Rio de Janeiro


  • Gabriel Barbosa dos Reis Universidade do Grande Rio
  • Rami Fanticelli Baptista Universidade do Grande Rio
  • Gustavo Naame Diretor de Vigilância Sanitária no Município de Nilópolis
  • Fabiana Batalha Knackfuss Universidade do Grande Rio
  • Gil Vicente Oliveira da Silva Universidade do Grande Rio



Butcher, irregularities, Nilópolis, health surveillance


This data survey aimed to identify the main irregularities that occurred in butcheries located in the city of Nilópolis, Rio de Janeiro, in order to recognize the role of the Veterinarian in the role of Health Surveillance, thus providing strategies for prophylaxis in favor of populational health. The survey showed the situation of the meat trade and its main irregularities in 2019. We also demonstrated which mechanisms the municipal state machine uses to maintain sanitary conditions and how these actions are transferred to the Health Surveillance Department and the veterinary doctor, taking into account that the performance of the animal health professional in this field has been reported with a legal basis and how economic and social aspects are linked to the consumption of meat and its sale, which will later be inspected and, if necessary, regulated by the performance of the public health agent. All the data in the review presented here were granted by the Municipal Health Secretariat and also by the Municipal Finance Secretariat, and collected through the REGIN platform using the database of the Rio de Janeiro Commercial Board (JUCERJA). Data are presented that demonstrate the establishments registered by categories and their average of obstacles, as well as the main categories where such obstacles occurred and how they stem from the legislation in effect in 2019. It is also important to highlight the demonstration of days to resolve such errors and the percentage of adherence by the entrepreneur, where it was possible to observe that there were significant advances where, of all the problems reported, the most impacting were those related to the incorrect handling of food and the lack of organization or cleaning of the stock. After observing the data collected, it was possible to observe that prophylaxis and inspection are the best ways to assure quality performance, and that the work of health surveillance is fundamental in the maintenance of public health. It is also worth demonstrating the great importance of the veterinarian in municipal inspection in favor of populational health, thus making the social environment better and safer. Moreover, even if all problems have not been remedied, it is the responsibility of the Municipal Health and Sanitary Surveillance Department to seek the best sanitary values.


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How to Cite

Main irregularities identified by the Health Surveillance Department in butcheries located in the municipality of Nilópolis, Rio de Janeiro. (2023). Pubvet, 17(03), e1362.

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