Urolithiasis in a Pug dog: Case report


  • Thaynan Cardoso Tavares Centro Universitário de Lavras
  • Nárgila Dadalt Teixeira Universidade Professor Edson Antônio Velano
  • Ivam Moreira de Oliveira Junior Centro Universitário de Lavras https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4149-5006




Dog, cystotomy, Pug, urinary bl1adder, urolith, urolithiasis


The objective of this study was to present a case of urolithiasis in a nine-year and eleven-month-old Pug, weighing nine kilos, with a history of urolithiasis. Upon physical examination, the animal presented apathy and abdominal pain on palpation. Upon ultrasound examination, it was not possible to identify the presence of uroliths in the urinary tract. The animal underwent surgical treatment, with cystotomy being the most suitable for this type of case. A cystotomy is an incision in the urinary bladder to remove uroliths, which can be made up of various minerals and of varying sizes. In the postoperative period, a diet change was indicated to reduce the chances of recurrences, since an inadequate diet is one of the factors for the formation of uroliths when there is certain predisposition.


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