Human interference in the welfare of large animals: Retrospective of cases seen in five years


  • Loisa Padilha Hintz Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste
  • Heloisa Godoi Bertagnon Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste



Animal large, retrospection, health


The coexistence of human and animal dates to the Neolithic period, and as close as this relationship is, the idea of animals as sentient beings is recent and sometimes ignored. Certain measures have been taken to change this reality, such as the creation of the Brambell Committee, the scoring of the five freedoms of animal welfare and animal rights guaranteed by law, and the duties of the veterinarian to ensure the physical and mental health of patients. Thus, this work aimed at performing a retrospective study of the cases seen at the Large Animal Sector of UNICENTRO over five years, to evaluate human interference in animal welfare and classify them into three types: I – ignorance, inexperience, incompetence on the part of the owner; II – lack of consideration, abandonment, and aggression; III – negligence, imprudence, and veterinary incompetence. Among the results obtained, of the 693 cases studied, 20% of the animals were seen because of discomfort, with 102 animals of type I, 39 of type II, and three cases of type III. As for the animal species, the most affected were sheep (30%) and cattle (29%). From the literature review carried out, it was possible to determine that the cases of mistreatment of large animals are little identified and do not reach the authorities. However, ignorance on the part of the owners is the main reason why welfare is not practiced on the properties. Therefore, it was possible to conclude that the key to change this reality is the dissemination of the idea of animal welfare and its positive consequences for the production and the producer's pocket, besides the fact that studying and publicizing the cases treated maintains the dignity of the veterinary profession.

Author Biography


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How to Cite

Human interference in the welfare of large animals: Retrospective of cases seen in five years. (2022). Pubvet, 16(13), e1305.

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