Description of gizzard erosion syndrome in commercial birds in Brazil
Adenovirus, aviadenovirus, inclusion bodies, FAdV, histopathologyAbstract
Adenoviral infections are common in poultry, especially in intensive creation systems, and have been reported in several locations, such as: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, and Europe. The diseases involving the Fowl Adenovirus (FAdV) includes Inclusion Body Hepatitis (HCI), Hepatitis-Hidropericardium Syndrome (SHH) and other conditions affecting the respiratory and digestive system of poultry. Our objective was to share the emergence of the Gizzard Erosion Syndrome (SEM), in Brazil. From September 2021 to May 2022, a total of 168 birds from 56 cases were analyzed, being those mostly broiler and hens. PCR tests were performed to identify the viral DNA, as well as 28 histopathological tests which some of them revealing the presence of viral inclusion bodies in the gizzard, besides severe lyimphoplasmahistiocitic inflammatory reaction in mucosa and also in other organs such as proventriculus. The PCR evidenced positivity for the Aviadenovirus. Based on the present study, it was evidenced the presence of SEM in Brazil.
Copyright (c) 2022 Júlia Roppa, Gervásio Henrique Bechara, José di Fabio, Edson Bordin
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