Cataract in dogs: Literature review


  • Taciana de Melo Fernandes Silva



A cataract is defined as a condition that results in opacification of the capsule and the lens fibers, due to changes in the lamellar architecture of these structures. Frequently affect some breeds of dogs is considered a major cause of blindness in this species. The diagnosis is based on: complete history, obtained through the information reported by the owner, systemic and ophthalmic examinations of the patient. Surgical treatment is the most suitable, either in humans or animals. Still, a cataract surgery complications can occur. The most frequent are: uveitis, intraocular hypertension transient corneal edema, adhesion, endophthalmitis, posterior capsule opacification of the lens and retinal detachment. The complications can be prevented to a large extent, with adequate preoperative preparation and with minimal manipulation in the course of intraocular surgery. 





Medicina veterinária