Unilateral renal hemangiosarcoma in dogs: Case report


  • Suélen Dalegrave Pontífica Universidade Católica de Paraná - Campus Toledo




Dogs, diagnosis, hemangiosarcoma, kidneys, urinary tract


Neoplasms are uncommon and represent about 0.5 to 1.7% of all tumors in dogs. Usually malignant, they affect middle-aged dogs to the elderly being usually unilateral. Clinical signs are nonspecific such as anorexia, prostration, weight loss, lethargy, or sublumbar pain. More specific signs such as macro or microscopic hematuria associated with hemangiosarcoma may occur. Diagnosis is made with the aid of hematological, radiological and ultrasound examinations; histopathological definitive. The treatment of choice is nephrectomy, since it becomes of a malignant tumor. The prognosis is not yet clearly defined, but varies from reserved to bad. The objective was to report the care of a female dog with unilateral hemangiosarcoma renal histopathological diagnosis as a definitive diagnosis. The animal arrived for care presenting apathy and anorexia. During the clinical evaluation, cyphosis, pain in left hypogastric palpation and lumbar region was observed during clinical evaluation. On ultrasound examination, an anechogenic volume increase was observed, presenting internally, echogenic points and irregular amorphous, echogenic structure in the left kidney. A neoplastic cavity/abscess/hematoma process was considered. In close contact with this volume increase and protruding caudally to the vicinity of the bladder, another volume increase of approximately 6.33cm x 3.7cm was observed, irregular, hypoanechogenic, suggesting neoplasia or hematoma, ureter involvement or retroperitone. Surgical treatment was indicated, with nephrectomy with removal of the left ureter referred for histopathology with hemangiosarcoma as a definitive diagnosis. This study demonstrates the importance of early diagnosis, through a correct clinical approach, imaging and histopathologic examinations and thus an effective treatment, resulting in the improvement of the patient's clinical picture.





Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Unilateral renal hemangiosarcoma in dogs: Case report. (2021). Pubvet, 15(05). https://doi.org/10.31533/pubvet.v15n05a817.1-7

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