Aspects radiographics of hip dysplasia in a Cebus libidinosus: Case report


  • Zilmara Gomes Cardoso Fonteles
  • Ana Maria Quessada
  • Diana Sousa Alcantara
  • Joao Macedo de Sousa





The primates of the new world have been studied in many morphologic aspects. In the current state of the science it is important to stop knowledge on the wild animals of the tropical biodiversity is for his/her preservation, be for the protection of his/her flow gênico seeking to potential capacity of using this fauna as biological model or for potential exploration zootechinics. The hip dysplasia is an abnormal development of the hip joint, characterized by subluxation completes of the femoral head in younger patients and light degenerative artropatia the serious in more senior patients. The present work tells the clinical case of a monkey-prego(cebus apella libidnosus), adult, female, presenting hip dysplasia.  The objective of that work is to enlarge the knowledge regarding the bone pathologies that you/they attack the wild animals especially the primates.





Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Aspects radiographics of hip dysplasia in a Cebus libidinosus: Case report. (2015). Pubvet, 4(24).

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