Reflection on the sense of risk perception on pesticide use by smallholders in the Samba settlement in the municipality of Maragogi - Alagoas
Risk perception, pesticides, Settlement SambaAbstract
The purpose of this study is a reflection on the sense of perceived risk in the use of pesticides by small farmers of the settlement in the municipality of Samba Maragogi - Alagoas. The field search has generated data originating of interviews involving thirty farmers seeking to know the perception of risk in the use and handling of pesticides in their rural activities. The results indicated that the guidelines are very important for farmers and that alternative methods are of great importance and easy acceptance by farmers of the settlement Samba, as opposed to the use of pesticides.
Copyright (c) 2011 Paulo Sérgio Lins da Silva, Jakes Halan de Queiroz Costa, Ailton Silva Galvão, Tania Marta Carvalho dos Santos
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