Commercialization of the fish in Campos dos Goytacazes city – RJ
trader; conservation; fishAbstract
Over three years, a survey was conducted in Campos dos Goytacazes city, in order to obtain an overview of pisciculture local. In this approach, questionnaires were applied to traders and fishermen, whose the main questions were related to the species sold, prices and conservation methods, fish-selling and most wanted, expectations of improvement in the marketing and exploration. No changes were observed over the three years for the sale of fish, that price stability was mainly due to low inflation in the period evaluated. There was no variation in the local extraction of marketable fish, seeing that all are owned by ponds, rivers and seas nearby. The marketing of marine species and freshwater in Campos city is developing slowly. Traders and fishermen have expectations of improvements since it has increased investment in infrastructure by the government.
Copyright (c) 2011 Gabriela Soares Carvalho Pamplona Corte Real; Marize Bastos de Matos; Michelle Sant’Anna Lyra, Dálcio Ricardo de Andrade
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