Efficiency of silver nitrate to 4% and in control of spray oxytetracycline keratoconjunctivitis in goats and sheep in semi-arid of Bahia


  • Adelmo Ferreira de Santana
  • Viviane Rodrigues Magalhães
  • Catarina Nunes Bittencourt
  • Isabelle Pryscylla da Silva




keratoconjunctivitis, silvernitrate, oxytetracycline, goats, sheep


Detected an outbreak of infectious keratoconjunctivitis (ICC) in the municipality of Central, State of Bahia, 33 sheep and 47 goats from a herd of 132 animals including sheep and goats. The animals were examined clinically before being treated and the degree of inflammation of each eyeball was ranked as the scores, thus separated according to degree of inflammation and divided into two groups: Group I was treated with silver nitrate (AgNO3 ) 4%, being administered a drop in the affected eye, and group II was treated with oxytetracycline spray * for three days in both treatments. The silver nitrate and 4% oxytetracycline hydrochloride were effective in the treatment of keratoconjunctivitis in sheep and goats.





Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Efficiency of silver nitrate to 4% and in control of spray oxytetracycline keratoconjunctivitis in goats and sheep in semi-arid of Bahia. (2015). Pubvet, 5(29). https://doi.org/10.22256/pubvet.v5n29.1189

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