Percentile distribution of the income of the carcass of ovino Santa Inês


  • Adelmo Ferreira de Santana
  • Silvana Vollono
  • Lívia Paola Silva Resende
  • Adriano Leão Silva Caetano
  • Gessica Ariane de Melo Cruz



Saint Ines, income, carcass, boned, cuts


The study value the percentile income of the components of the carcass of ovino  Saint Ines, carried through in the Experimental Farm of Between Rivers, leading in consideration abates with age  average of 5 months. The accompaniment of the gestantes matrices was carried through, has controlled bathroom and childbirth of 14 lambs. During the months that had preceded it abates it the handling was made of the lambs, excrement collection for the examination of OPG of verminoses and eimeriose. It was carried through the vaccination and vermifugação and accomplishment of new examination OPG to verify the effectiveness of the antiparasitic treatment. In the date of it it abates the lambs had been weighed and after that abated and led  to the refrigerating chamber (- 4ºC -1ºC) where they had remained  by 12 hours they had been weighed, calculating it loss for cooling. Made the statistical analyses, had been evaluated in this experiment the percentile composition of the income of the boned cuts of carcass with bone and made with standardized cuts.





Produção animal

How to Cite

Percentile distribution of the income of the carcass of ovino Santa Inês. (2015). Pubvet, 5(33).

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