Efeitos Colaterais de Antiinflamatórios Não Esteróides em Cães e Gatos


  • Lídia Roedel Hinkelmann Berbert
  • Luiz Fernando Lucas Ferreira




Non-steroids Anti-inflammatory Drugs, Dogs, Cats, Side Effects


NSAIDs are a group of drugs used widely in both humans and animals. It is used mainly  for the treatment of pain, inflammation and pyrexia. The primary mechanism of action of NSAIDs is inhibition of cyclo-oxygenase. This results in a reduction of the synthesis of prostaglandins, which are mediators of inflammation. This inibition also causes a number of side effects, particularly on the gastro-intestinal tract and the kidneys. It is possible to reduce the risk of side effects by knowing the predisposing factors and administering prophylactic medication. This article reviews the side effects of NSAIDs in dogs and cats. The mechanisms which are responsible for the adverse effects are described as well as risk factors, prevention and some recent discoveries for development of future NSAIDs





Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Efeitos Colaterais de Antiinflamatórios Não Esteróides em Cães e Gatos. (2015). Pubvet, 6(01). https://doi.org/10.22256/pubvet.v16n1.1267

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