Palatoschisis in neonate dogs Fila Brasileiro


  • Cícero Rodrigues Feitosa Nunes teste
  • Guilherme José Bolzani de Campos Ferreira



Cleft palate, oral cavity, hard palate


The present report aims to describe the change of congenital cleft palate in a puppy of Brazilian race row with three days of life. Congenital cleft is a rare congenital anomaly in domestic animals, characterized by a defect of fusion of either primary, secondary palate or both. The pathogenesis of this disorder is still not well elucidated, however, have become aware of the many possible causes, these related to genetic and environmental factors. The demonstrated clinical signs show abnormalities involving the teeth, gums and oral clefts, as well as the emergence of secondary illnesses such as pneumonia, because of the oronasal communication that occurs as the middle of the hard palate cleft. A cleft palate is easily diagnosed shortly after birth the animals because of their clinical evidence, however, it is necessary a thorough examination of the patient to detect associated anomalies that may be present. The animal study showed complete cleft palate and had a life span of three days the slit of this animal had a total length of 38.43 mm in length with no split incisive bone and absence of cleft lip.





Medicina veterinária

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