Pathophysiology and therapy dog with sepsis: Review


  • Breno Curty Barbosa
  • Fernanda dos Santos Alves
  • Suzane Lilian Beier
  • Rafael Resende Faleiros
  • Patricia Maria Coletto Freitas


dogs, pathophysiology, sepsi


Septic states in animals have become common and it demands the veterinarian greater knowledge about this issue, also a qualified team in order to be able to have quick and precise therapeutic decisions. Sepsis courses with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SRIS), caused by and infectious agent, that most of times evolve into multiple organs disfunction syndrome (MODS) with high mortality rates. However, sepsis in veterinary medicine and in human medicine is responsible for high mortality rates in intensive care units. Nevertheless without the knowledge about its pathophysiology one may not intervene appropriately. Through this literature review the objective is to describe the pathophysiology and the treatment of dogs with sepsis.





Medicina veterinária

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