Taeniasis and Csticercosis


  • Daniela Ferreira Universidade Anhanguera de São Paulo – Campus Abc São Bernardo do Campo, Brasil
  • Fernanda Lúcia Alves Ferreira Universidade Anhanguera de São Paulo




Zoonosis; Taenia solium; Taenia saginata; Sanitary inspection of food.


Considered zoonoses of great impact to public health and causes of enormous economic damages, the teniasis and the cisticercose are two distinct parasitic diseases caused by flatworms of the genus taenia. teniasis is acquired by ingestion of raw or undercooked meat from swine and cattle contaminated by cysticercus cellulosae and cysticercus bovis, larval forms of flatworms of the species taenia solium and taenia saginata. cysticercosis, acquired through the ingestion of taenia eggs, can manifest itself in swine and cattle, representing an important economic problem due to the condemnation of carcasses, whereas human cysticercosis, caused by the ingestion of taenia solium eggs, is a major health problem public. the objective of this work was to perform a bibliographic review on the complex of teniasis-cysticercosis, highlighting transmission forms, clinical picture, diagnostic possibilities and preventive measures.





Medicina veterinária

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