Eimeriosis in dairy cattle of the municipality of Silveiras - SP


  • Matheus Coêlho FUNVIC - Faculdade de Pindamonhangaba
  • Jessika Calheiros Ribeiro Fundação Universitária Vida Cristã
  • Kaio Sendretti de Almeida Fundação Universitária Vida Cristã
  • Thaina Ferreira Franco Fundação Universitária Vida Cristã
  • Lucas Tobias Rodrigues Maciel Fundação Universitária Vida Cristã
  • Fernanda Bueno Sant’Anna Pereira Fundação Universitária Vida Cristã
  • Lilian Saito Ormachea Bozo Fundação Universitária Vida Cristã
  • Francine Alves da Silva Coêlho Fundação Universitária Vida Cristã




cattle herd, eimeriosis


The purpose of this study was to present the results of an epidemiological survey to determine possible incidents of Eimeria spp in 82 dairy cattle, including calves and adult cattle, living in a medium-sized farm in Vale do Paraíba. Known as coccidia, which normally attacks the digestive epithelium of birds and domestic mammals, Eimeria is the major responsible agent that causes diarrhea harmful to these animals. Being more susceptible to infections, the calves are most affected by the disease, they show symptoms such as bloody diarrhea, weakness, weight loss, and others. The transmission can occur through ingestion of oocysts which are found in contaminated water, pastures or even the coat of the animal. Clinical signs such as gross lesions and also examinations on feces can determine if there is any sign of the parasite oocysts. After collecting fecal samples directly from the rectum of those animals, it was observed that there was a high incidence of Eimeria spp both in adult cattle (50%), calves (61.5%), and it was significantly higher (p <0.05) compared to other protozoa and even to helminths, leading to economic losses, arising from the death of calves and loss of production, which highlights not only the need for treatment and proper management of the studied herd, as well as the need to carry out similar surveys in order to minimize the negative impacts of this important bovine parasitosis.





Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Eimeriosis in dairy cattle of the municipality of Silveiras - SP. (2017). Pubvet, 11(03). https://doi.org/10.22256/PUBVET.V11N3.267-271