Multiple cartilaginous exostosis: Case report


  • Eduarda Dias Cavalcanti Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Guilherme Albuquerque de Oliveira Cavalcanti Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Letícia Fernandes Pereira Universidade Federal de Pelotas



Bone nodule, osteochondroma, bone proliferation


This article reports the care of two dogs from Teckel race, both with a history of limited mobility and loss of proprioception, no changes in hematic tests. The first dog, a female, 4 months old, had to take radiographic presence of radiopaque mass at the distal femoral metaphysis, proximal and distal tibia and the proximal left fibula, and similar structures at the spinous processes of T3, T6 and T7 and the third right rib, protruding into the chest cavity. The second dog, a male 6 months old, had nodular bone mass in the ischium and ilium, and proximal metaphysis of tibiae and distal right tibia, as well as similar changes in the ribs protruding both to the surface external and internal chest. Therefore, after the X-ray analysis was diagnosed multiple cartilaginous exostosis (ECM), a disease characterized by bone projections covered with cartilage. It was adopted as a therapeutic measure the use of tramadol and the monitoring of disease progression.





Medicina veterinária

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