Feline infectious peritonitis: Review


  • Isabela Massitel UEM




Coronavirus, GS-441524, infection


Feline Infectious Peritonitis (PIF) is a systemic and viral disease, caused by the feline coronavirus in its mutated form. Such a disease can be classified as effusive, being the classic form where there is the presence of cavitary fluids, or in the non-effusive form Young and elderly animals are the most predisposed, especially if they have some immunodepressive comorbidity, such as FIV and FelV. The transmission of the disease occurs through the oro-fecal contact of the carrier's excretions, which leads to the development of nonspecific clinical signs such as lethargy, anorexia, fever and weight loss. Ante-mortem diagnosis is difficult, as there are no pathognomonic signs of the disease, in addition to the low sensitivity and specificity of the diagnostic tests used in the clinical routine. The treatment performed is supportive, as there is no cure. However, there is a new molecule that has shown promising results, both in vitro and in vivo studies.





Medicina veterinária

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