Epibulbar melanocytoma in a domestic cat

Case report


  • Tatiana de França Sales Associação Nacional de Clínicos Veterinários de Pequenos Animais https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8752-4701
  • Fernanda Conde Associação Nacional de Clínicos Veterinários de Pequenos Animais
  • Franceliusa Delys de Oliveira Associação Nacional de Clínicos Veterinários de Pequenos Animais
  • Camila Sabaudo Alves Associação Nacional de Clínicos Veterinários de Pequenos Animais https://orcid.org/0009-0006-3276-6504




Enucleation, melanocytic lesions, ocular neoplasms, veterinary pathology


Melanocytic lesions are the most common cause of ocular neoplasia observed in cats. Melanocytomas are melanocytic lesions with benign behavior. What differentiates lesions with high malignant potential from those with low malignant potential is the histopathological analysis of the material, since it is not possible to define their potential based on the macroscopic view of the lesion. The present study aimed to report a case of epibulbar melanocytoma in an adult, spayed, mixed-breed cat, with a blackish-colored increase in volume in the epibulbar region of the upper eyelid region of the left eye. A surgical approach regarding the tumor was chosen, with transconjunctival enucleation of the affected eye, which underwent histopathological analysis, and the diagnosis of melanocytoma was confirmed. Given the apparent similarity between malignant and benign ocular melanocytic lesions, it is concluded that the analysis of enucleated material is necessary when an ocular melanocytic lesion is suspected, since the diagnosis can define the postoperative conduct and prognosis.


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Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

de França Sales T, Conde F, Delys de Oliveira F, Sabaudo Alves C. Epibulbar melanocytoma in a domestic cat: Case report. Pubvet [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 27 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];19(02):e1729. Available from: http://ojs.pubvet.com.br/index.php/revista/article/view/3976