Maropitant in veterinary medicine





Analgesia, NK-1 antagonist, antiemetic, Cerenia


The objective of this study is to review the literature on the use of maropitant citrate, a specific NK-1 antagonist that inhibits Substance P (SP), which is responsible for sensitizing new nociceptors and the main mediator in the signaling responsible for emesis, therefore originally developed for the treatment of vomiting. However, several studies have shown that Maropitant has great potential as a visceral analgesic after surgery, with the use of the drug individually or in association with another opioid. The research was carried out electronically through platforms such as Google Scholar and Scielo, among others, with the criterion of dogs and cats submitted to ovariohysterectomy (OVH) receiving Maropitant Citrate intravenously (IV) through bolus followed by continuous infusion. It was concluded through the selected studies that the use of maropitant citrate in bolus and continuous infusion, whether or not associated with other drugs, has the potential to promote trans- and postoperative analgesia and anti-inflammatory effects in animals submitted to OVH, reducing the doses of analgesic rescue.


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Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Romeu R, D’Agnoluzzo GC, Castillo RMR, Gorczak R. Maropitant in veterinary medicine: Review. Pubvet [Internet]. 2024 Mar. 6 [cited 2025 Mar. 31];18(03):e1567. Available from:

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