Canine leptospirosis: A clinical approach and the importance of epidemiological diagnosis in the city of Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil




Medical clinic, infection, renal failure, public health, zoonosis


In the present work, our objective was to evaluate canine leptospirosis in the context of public health, given that dogs act as sentinels of the disease. For this, an epidemiological survey of 10 suspected animals was carried out, which were treated in the region of Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro. Each animal’s history, where it lived, if it had contact with rodents and the possibility of contact with contaminated water were the initial parameters to arrive at suspicion of the disease. Along with this, parameters observed in the clinical examination plus laboratory alterations in the blood count and in some biochemical markers were used as criteria to reach the diagnosis, since serology would be needed for confirmation. Considering that canine leptospirosis is a highly lethal zoonosis, and the existence of subclinical cases, the epidemiological study is of great importance in this context, as one of the tools for clinical diagnosis of the disease in the absence of a confirmatory serological test.


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Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Canine leptospirosis: A clinical approach and the importance of epidemiological diagnosis in the city of Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (2023). Pubvet, 17(09), e1446.

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