Bovine digital dermatitis: Clinical and economic aspects




casco, doença podal, gado leiteiro, impacto econômico, Treponema


This literature review aimed to analyze the psychological symptoms caused by digital dermatitis in dairy cattle. Digital dermatitis (DD) is one of the main causes of infectious lameness in dairy cattle, generating a significant impact on the production and well-being of the animal. It is a contagious disease, caused by various microorganisms, with a predominance of bacteria of the genus Treponema, but bacteria such as Fusobacterium necrophorum, Dichelobacter nodosus and Porphyromonas levii have also been identified. It is characterized by ulcerative lesions along the coronary band or on the skin adjacent to the interdigital cleft in cattle. Clinical signs are nonspecific but, in general, they present as claudication, which can vary from mild to severe, reluctance to move, kyphosis posture to distribute body weight onto a more comfortable position, shorter strides, walking on the tip of the digit or even putting no weight on the affected digit at all. Diagnosis is made by inspecting the foot, but techniques such as serological testing and molecular diagnosis are being studied and have proven to be viable tools as an alternative to clinical inspection. The main objective of the treatment of DD is to reduce bacterial infection. Three main approaches are described in the literature: systemic antibiotics; individual topical treatment and group footbath treatment. Economic impacts are caused by the behavioral changes brought on by the pain, which leads to a reduction in milk production and fertility of these animals, in addition to costs with treatment, control, eradication and premature disposal of animals due to the chronicity of the disease. Based on these studies, it is concluded that DD represents a negative economic impact on milk production and animal welfare.


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Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Bovine digital dermatitis: Clinical and economic aspects. (2023). Pubvet, 17(07), e1421.