Evaluation of the productive performance of swine matrices submitted to different numbers of post-cervical inseminations
Reproduction, swine, production, post-cervical artificial insemination (PCAI)Abstract
The objective of this study was to evaluate the productive performance of swine matrices submitted to different numbers of post-cervical inseminations. 600 matrices of birth order from 2 to 7 were utilized, being that 300 matrices received three (3) pos-cervical inseminations and 300 received two pos-cervical inseminations. For each parity order, 50 females were used. The averages of birth weight were evaluated by the Tukey test and considering the other parameters, it was developed the technique of decomposition in singular values (DVS) of the obtained counts. The average weight behavior was similar for both numbers of inseminations (2 and 3). However, piglets born from matrices inseminated 2 times had an average birth weight higher than piglets born from matrices inseminated 3 times, mainly up to the fourth reproductive cycle. In any case, this difference did not occur in the final reproductive cycles (5, 6 and 7). When using 2 inseminations, we have in cycle 3 the largest number of piglets born alive, but in cycles 6 and 7 the largest number of stillborn piglets. When using 3 inseminations, the largest number of live-born piglets still occurs in cycle 3, but the largest number of stillborn piglets occurs from cycle 4. It is concluded that the use of two inseminations is recommended, aiming at a greater weight of piglets at birth, without causing damage to the number and viability of piglets. Consequently, this procedure would allow to obtain lower cost of biotechnique application, in addition to providing a longer useful life for the swine matrix.
Copyright (c) 2022 Vitor José de Andrade Resende, Alexandre de Oliveira Teixeira, Leonardo Marmo Moreira, Carla Regina Guimarães Brighenti, Dante Teixeira Valente Júnior, Renata de Souza Reis, Carlos Magno da Rocha Junior, Juliana Pereira Lyon
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