Influence of shading and sprinkling water on milk production and physiological responses of dairy cows


  • João Batista Freire de Souza Junior



tropical environment, milk production, evaporative cooling, shading


Countless studies attest to the negative effects of high temperatures on milk production. So, many environmental modifications can be introduced in order to decrease the temperature of the animals and, consequently, reduce heat stress, helping so, in the comfort of dairy cows confined. The aim of this review was to approach the effects of shading and sprinkling water on milk production and physiological responses in dairy cows. Several methods have been employed, such as natural or artificial shading, ventilation, cooling air from the application of water droplets, water spray on the animal accompanied by ventilation and air conditioning. In intensive production systems, coupled with the shading, the use of evaporative cooling systems in proportion to the animals an environment with warmer temperatures, avoiding situations of heat stress and increasing milk production. In pastures, the providing shade, either natural or artificial, it is necessary for dairy cows in order to reduce the excess heat received by direct solar radiation, especially during the hottest hours of the day and in regions near the line of Ecuador.





Produção animal

How to Cite

Influence of shading and sprinkling water on milk production and physiological responses of dairy cows. (2016). Pubvet, 6(09).