Effect of scarification, soaking and of nitrogen in the initial growth of labe-labe (Dolichos lab lab L. cv. RONGAI)


  • João Elzeário Castelo Branco Iapichini




The present work was carried out in a Green house at the Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias de Jaboticabal. Twelve treatments arranged in a factorial way 2 x 3 x 2, were randomized in 3 replications to study the inicial growth of labe-labe. The treatments studied were: seed treatment (with and without sandpapes numer 2); times of soaking (1, 8 and 16 hours) and nitrogen levels (0 and 100 kg of N/ha). The nitrogen was apllied 16 days after the sowing. The results obtained suggested that the treatments of the seeds followed by soaking for 1 hour or only the soaking by 8 hours could result in a more rapidly germination. Inicial growth of lab lab was vigorous independently of treatments. Average height of plants did not vary with the treatments. Distribution and dry matter production of the aerial part, after 61 days of sowing, were very uniform in all treatments. The application of nitrogen, 16 days after sowing, decreased significantly the dry weight of nodules.





Pastagem e forragicultura

How to Cite

Effect of scarification, soaking and of nitrogen in the initial growth of labe-labe (Dolichos lab lab L. cv. RONGAI). (2016). Pubvet, 6(12). https://doi.org/10.22256/pubvet.v16n12.1333