Effect of frame size on reproductive performance of Braford cows
frame size, beef cows, reproductive performanceAbstract
The objective of this study was to verify the existence of a relationship between frame size obtained by the measurement of hip height (HH) of Braford cows with their reproductive efficiency. HH measurement were collected from 255 mature Braford cows, aged 5-10 years old, belonging to data base from Conexão Delta G. Cows were divided into three groups of frame size regarding to the HH measurement. S group (n=81), for animals up to 131cm of HH, M group (n=81) from 131 cm to 135 cm of HH and L group (n=93) greater than 135 cm. All three groups were breeding by timed artificial insemination (TAI), and after 7 days exposed to clean up bulls for 40 days. The pregnancy rate did not differ significantly (p>0.05) between groups, 72.84%, 79.01% and 76.34% for S, M and L, respectively.
Copyright (c) 2012 Celso Koetz Junior, Flávio Antônio Barca Junior, Flávio Guiselli Lopes, Luis Afonso Marques Claus, Silvio Renato Oliveira Menegassi, Vinícius Luiz Radigonda

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