Intervalo de parto e período de serviço em bovinos de leite





bovine flock, interval between childbirth, milk bovine, period of service


The interval between childbirth (IEP) is one of the most important features of the dairy herd being constituted reproductive by dry period and lactation. Several of the environment influence so remarkable as climate, management, health control. The dry period comprises the period of expected service period and voluntary (PS). The IEP provides greater milk production during the lifetime of the cow while long intervals work in scented contrary. Dairy cattle held in proper conditions of health and food handling the duration of this range is from 12 to 14 months and the PS should not exceed 90 days. The study aimed to evaluate IEP and PS on a farm located in the municipality of Campo Maior-PI. The search is a retrospective study conducted during the period from August to September 2010 through data catalogued in computerized program RAISER VET zootechnical year’s control of 1998 to 2009. The results obtained were assessed and registered all dates of parições and then calculated the IEP and PS. data was tabulated on computerized program in Excel spreadsheet and analysed statistically through media arithmetic and standard deviation. The average of the IEP was 422.05 days with standard deviation of day with this index 117.51 according to the cited in the literature that the 12 months 14. The average day with standard deviation 141.98 PS of 113.31 than being cited in the literature that States that this period should not exceed 90 days, but you still don't hear the negative influences of the IEP. The high may be linked to the reproductive management of inappropriate farm. The farm presents IEP expected and PS too high; inappropriate handling and the PS high do not reflect negatively on the IEP; the mestizaje of the flock appears to be a responsible high PS.





Reprodução animal

How to Cite

Intervalo de parto e período de serviço em bovinos de leite. (2016). Pubvet, 6(22).