Occurrence of separation anxiety disorder in dogs treated at a veterinary hospital in the city of Itajaí, Santa Catarina





Dog, hyper-attachment


The adoption of anthropomorphized treatments in dogs, in addition to factors such as environment and social life, generate disturbances and behavioral changes, favoring situations of frustration and anxiety, evolving into Separation Anxiety Disorder (SAD), a type of multifactorial behavioral disorder characterized by a set of classic behavioral responses, such as excessive vocalization, destructive behaviors, and urination and defecation disorders. Another commonly reported behavior is hyper-attachment, an extreme affective attachment of the dog to its owner. This research aims to evaluate the occurrence of separation anxiety in dogs treated at a Veterinary Hospital through questionnaires applied to tutors. The answers obtained were evaluated by performing the chi-square test using the Jamovi software. As affirmation criteria, we selected the animals that had any typical clinical signs, and also those that showed hyper-attachment behaviors, which may or may not be concomitantly associated with signs of depression. Of the evaluated animals, 68.5% had SAD, 22% had excessive vocalization and 29.6% had destructive behaviors. In regards to hyper-attachment, about 59.2% of the animals followed the tutor around the house, and 57.4% and 37% exhibited warm and exaggerated celebratory behaviors, respectively, whenever the tutor returned home - all signs of hyper-attachment associated with depressive behaviors. SAD is a problem that has an impact on the quality of life of the animal and also of those who live with it. In this study, it was concluded that most dogs had an occurrence of SAD, and the most frequent clinical signs were the presence of vocalization, destructive behaviors and inappropriate eliminations, in addition to behaviors that denote hyper-attachment associated with departure and arrival rituals of the tutor. In addition, the study also suggests the need to use questions directed to each case, in order to obtain a reliable diagnosis.


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Bem-estar e comportamento animal

How to Cite

Occurrence of separation anxiety disorder in dogs treated at a veterinary hospital in the city of Itajaí, Santa Catarina. (2023). Pubvet, 17(11), e1483. https://doi.org/10.31533/pubvet.v17n11e1483