Ovarian cysts in a female Maltese dog: Case report


  • Larissa Maia Machado Centro Universitário da Amazônia - UNAMA
  • Carla Fonseca Trindade Centro Universitário da Amazônia - UNAMA
  • Miguel Ângelo Imbelloni Couto Filho Centro Universitário da Amazônia - UNAMA
  • Anna Cláudia de Sousa Lins Centro Universitário da Amazônia - UNAMA https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9425-7864
  • Vanessa Sousa Pinto Centro Universitário da Amazônia - UNAMA https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4721-7843
  • Beatriz Vieira Freire Centro Universitário da Amazônia - UNAMA
  • Gysella Roberta da Silva Mubárac Autônoma




Ovaries, ovariosalpingohysterectomy, polycystic, ultrasonography


TThis article aimed to report a case of ovarian cysts in a female dog. A six-year-old female Maltese was treated at a private veterinary clinic with a history of persistent estrus for forty days. Physical examination revealed serohemorrhagic secretion and vulvar swelling. Blood count and ultrasound were requested. Ultrasonography revealed ovaries with the presence of circular structures with anechoic content, images compatible with polycystic ovaries. Based on the history, and the clinical and ultrasound findings, the veterinarian responsible for the patient recommended castration The patient underwent ovariosalpingohysterectomy and was hospitalized for 48 hours for postoperative follow-up. After seven days the dog returned to the clinic to have the stitches removed and showed an excellent recovery. The diagnosis of ovarian cysts encompasses the appropriate clinical evaluation of the animal, with consistent anamnesis and physical examination, as well as the preliminary imaging diagnosis, with ultrasound of the ovaries being the most appropriate exam. Although ovariosalpingohysterectomy is the treatment of choice, there are other options available for situations where there is reproductive interest. There is a need for further studies on this pathology, since the available literature is still limited.


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