Survey of hemoparasitosis in dogs and cats at Dr. Vicente Borelli Veterinary Hospital - Aracaju - Sergipe


  • André Luiz Instituição de Ensino e Cultura Pio Décimo
  • Greice Maria Marques Menezes .
  • Alex da Silva Torquato Júnior .
  • André Luiz da Conceição Santos .
  • Anne Isabela Sobreira Argolo Delfino .



analysis, hematology, hemoparasites


Hemoparasitoses are a group of infections caused by microorganisms that primarily affect blood cells. They have a wide geographical distribution, have as vectors ticks and mosquitoes, affect dogs and cats and have clinical and epidemiological importance given the pathological picture they generate and their zoonotic potential. This research aimed to perform a survey of hemoparasitoses in dogs and cats in the clinical pathology sector of the Dr. Vicente Borelli Veterinary Hospital in Aracaju, Sergipe, a tropical climate region. The project was conducted in the laboratory of clinical pathology through the preparation of slides by the method of blood smear and rapid staining by the panótico, the slides were evaluated on optical microscopy in objective of 100X. A total of 100 slides were analyzed, of which in 23%, between samples of dogs and cats, it was identified the occurrence of hemoparasites characterizing the confirmation of hemoparasitoses. Erlichia canis and Anaplasma platys were the most frequent hemoparasites in this study. The results demonstrated that regardless of race, age, sex and clinical manifestation of signs, all animals are susceptible to hemoparasitary infections.





Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Survey of hemoparasitosis in dogs and cats at Dr. Vicente Borelli Veterinary Hospital - Aracaju - Sergipe. (2019). Pubvet, 13(01).