Characterization of the spatial variability of animal comfort indices within Compost Barn containment systems
ambience, animal welfare, dairy cattle, geostatistical modelingAbstract
The study about how environmental factors and the microclimate of dairy cattle facilities influence the performance of the animal's production has gained space in the scientific environment and priority from the point of view of producers. The objective of this article is to use geostatistical modeling to represent and locate the critical points of the indices of animal comfort of the thermal environment inside confinement sheds for dairy cattle in the Compost Barn model. This research was carried out in a Compost Barn confinement, located in the municipality of Três Corações in the state of Minas Gerais during the summer and winter of 2016. The temperature and humidity, black globe temperature and humidity indices, radiant thermal charge and enthalpy were determined. The results were subject to geostatistical analysis to verify the spatial variability of the data, through the use of semivariograms and kriging maps. The modeling proved to be efficient to represent and study the microclimate inside sheds. Maps of indices estimated by ordinary kriging allow visualization of internal environment conditions in the cattle resting area considering Compost Barn confinement. The maps show specific points of discomfort for dairy cows.
Copyright (c) 2019 Vania Corrêa Mota, Ednilton Tavares de Andrade, Daniel Furtado Leite

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