Clinical mastitis arising from Pseudocyesis in dog: Case Report
Inflammation, milk, mammary, false pregnancyAbstract
The routine in the small animal clinic demands numerous illnesses, knowing about them leads to greater effectiveness of treatment success. The infectious and inflammatory process of the mammary glands is defined as mastitis, which causes changes in the glandular tissue, modifying physical and chemical aspects of the milk. The prognosis is mostly favourable and the treatment is based on broad-spectrum antibiotics, for the main infection, and for the secondary symptoms, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, non-opioid analgesics. use of warm compresses, drainage of the affected glands, alleviate pain and can be used in a complementary way. In this sense, the present study aimed to evaluate a case of clinical mastitis in a female dog, due to an anterior pseudocyesis process. The work describes the case of a female dog, Poodle, weighing 8.5 kg, 9 years old and complaining of inflammation in the mammary glands. On clinical examination, inflammation of the mammary glands, pain on palpation, hyperaemia, presence of milky and bloody secretion, oedema, and blackened breast colour were observed. Treatment based on anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics provides greater ease due to the easy access to these medications, in addition to avoiding the use of hormones. Ovariohysterectomy as a therapeutic measure is the best form of prevention, especially for cases related to pseudopregnancy.
Copyright (c) 2022 Gustavo Oliveira Neves, Milton Rezende Teixeira Neto
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