Productive performance in the recreate of nellore females receiving different supplements
weight gain, energetic protein, protein mineralAbstract
The objective of this study was to evaluate the productive performance of Nellore females in the rebuilds, receiving protein mineral supplementation, and energetic protein in the pasture of Urucloa Brizantha cv Marandu in the transition period-drought and its implication on the Weight gain of the animals. The study was carried out at the relic Farm, located in the municipality of Ribas do Rio Pardo – MS, Brazil, using 81 experimental days. We used 60 Nellore heifers, Nuliparas, divided into two batches of 30 animals, each lot per picket, in continuous grazing, with average body weight (BW) of 304 ± 82 kg and age of 18 months for weight gain evaluation. The animals received 2 nutritional strategies: Protein mineral Supplement (SMP) in the proportion of 72 g/animal/day (0.02% of PV), and Energy protein Supplement (SPE) 271.6 g/animal/day (0.08% of PV). Pasture samples were collected every 20 days in the experimental areas to determine the DM/ha availability of pasture, and to evaluate the chemical-bromatologic composition. The productive performance of the animals showed difference (P > 0.05) in the final body weight, total weight gain and average daily gain, for the 81 days of the experiment, and the performance of the protein mineral was higher than the energetic protein. The forage mass observed in Marandu grass pasture during the experiment was 2077.5 kg, 1305.0 kg, 800.0 kg and 597.5 kg of DM/ago in the months March, April, May and June, respectively. The group of animals of the treatment with protein mineral supplement presented final body weight of 328.27 kg, total weight gain of 24, 96kg, Average daily gain of 0.308 kg/animal/day and the energetic protein supplement of 325.27 kg, 19.48 kg, and 0.240 kg/day, respectively. Protein mineral supplementation was superior to the treatment with energetic protein in relation to the final body weight of the animals evaluated.
Copyright (c) 2019 João Victor de Souza Martins, Renato Augusto Peralta Freire, Rafael de Oliveira Lima, Lucas Gomes da Silva, Danaila Bruneli Fernandes Gama, Jéssica Thaís Gabe, Ester Lays Martins Ribeiro, Wellington Pereira Soares, Rafela Thais Benedito Alves, Rodrigo Gonçalves Mateus

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