Bovine mastitis: Review
Inflammation, milk, lossesAbstract
Mastitis is inflammation of the mammary gland, which generates countless losses within a productive chain, reaching from the base, which is the health of the herd, generating a drop in production, even in the final quality of milk and its derivatives. The efficiency of an early diagnosis dictates success in the treatment of dairy cows, together with the preventive measures established within the properties. Several methods are used to detect mastitis, since this disease is considered the disease of greatest damage in dairy herds both in Brazil and worldwide, causing damage to animals and public health. Thinking about the standardization of milk quality, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA) regulate standards that must be followed through consultations in the Regulation of Industrial and Sanitary Inspection of Products of Animal Origin (RIISPOA) and Normative Instructions, such as INs 76 and 77, mentioned in this work. The purpose of this literature review is to present the main causes of mastitis within the dairy properties, together with the main means of diagnosis, like the California Mastitis Test and infrared thermography, an innovative methodology, along with the most used tools for disease prevention. In addition to surveying updated data on the economic losses generated by the disease within the milk production chain.
Copyright (c) 2021 Maria Eduarda Barbosa da Fonseca, Anderson Moreira Mourão, Jônathan David Ribas Chagas, Letícia Meirelles Ávila, Thiago Luiz Pereira Marques, Bruna de Azevedo Baêta, Renata Fernandes Ferreira de Moraes, Erica Cristina Rocha Roier
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