Seminoma and leydgocitoma in canine ectopic testis: Case report


  • Vanessa Machado Faculdade Terra Nordeste (FATENE)
  • Gabriela Falcão Almeida Cavalcante Graduanda de Medicina Veterinária, Faculdade Terra Nordeste (FATENE), Caucaia - CE, Brasil.
  • Lorena Tavares de Brito Nery Jaworski Médica Veterinária da Focus Diagnóstico, Cuiabá - MT, Brasil
  • Roberio Gomes Olinda Médico Veterinário Patologista da VETLAB, Fortaleza - CE, Brasil



Cryptorchidism, leydigocitoma, seminoma


The objective of this study was to report a case of seminoma and leydigocitoma in the right ectopic canine testis. It was attended at the Veterinary Hospital ETAVE, an 8-year-old male Poodle dog weighing 2.5 kg with apathy, coughing and gagging. Physical examination revealed palpable intra-abdominal sodulation, absence of testicles in the sac scrotal, and lymphadenomegaly, bilateral cataract and periodontal disease. Laboratory tests (complet blood count/biochemical evaluation), imaging (chest X-ray/abdominal ultrasonography/doppler echocardiogram) and complementary examination (histopatological). On ultrasound evaluation, cryptorchidism was diagnosed. The patient underwent exploratory laparotomy where I was possible to prove that both testicles were retained in the abdominal cavity. The left testicle had a reduced size, while the right testicle had a considerable increase in size. The histopathological examination identified seminoma and leydigocitoma in the right testicle. In conclusion, we report a case of testicular neoplasm (seminoma and leydigocitoma) in the right testis of the bilateral cryptorchidic dog.





Reprodução animal

How to Cite

Seminoma and leydgocitoma in canine ectopic testis: Case report. (2021). Pubvet, 15(12).

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