Use of low-level laser as an adjuvant in the treatment of bite wounds in a dog

Case report




Biomodulation, healing, stoma therapy, injury


Wounds are structural disorders in the skin that can cause loss of body tissue structure. There are different classifications of wounds, such as open and closed, acute or chronic. Acute wounds heal spontaneously within six weeks, while chronic wounds have delayed healing, which can last more than twelve weeks due to prolonged inflammation. Wound treatment is challenging, especially in animals, due to exposure to dirty environments and the owner's lack of awareness. Laser therapy has been used to accelerate wound healing since 1967, promoting pain control, reducing inflammation and modulating the immune system. The skin healing process involves cellular interactions and can be divided into phases, such as inflammatory, proliferative and remodeling. It is believed that laser therapy works by increasing the production of ATP in cellular mitochondria, causing biomodulation and stimulating or inhibiting physiological, biochemical or proliferative activities. Factors such as ray refraction and tissue types influence the penetration of the laser into the tissue, requiring precise positioning to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment. Based on this, the present work aims to contribute to knowledge about laser therapy in wound healing, presenting the case of a dog with a lacerated wound on the pelvic limb.


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Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Mendes de Oliveira Silva AC, Lima Carneiro R, Oliveira Brandão T, Santos Campos M, Farias J. Use of low-level laser as an adjuvant in the treatment of bite wounds in a dog: Case report. Pubvet [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];18(11):e1681. Available from:

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