Designation and frequency of the accessory cusps in the left atrioventricular valve of cattle hearts


  • Alexandre Thomé da Silva de Almeida IFSULDEMINAS/UNA Pouso Alegre-MG, Brasil.
  • Vinicius Tadeu Ramos da Silva Grillo Centro Universitário São Lucas, Porto Velho-RO, Brasil
  • Rodolfo Figueiredo de Carvalho Hospital Ernesto Dornelles, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil
  • Pedro Brugnerotto de Almeida Universidade de Taubaté, Taubaté-SP, Brasil



Accessory cusps, cattle, heart, Left atrioventricular valve, Veterinary medicine


Forty healthy mongrel cattle hearts were examined for the presence of accessory cusps in the left atrioventricular valve. This study aimed to verify their presence and determine the number of leaflets in them, as well as suggest new cusp terminology. The hearts were fixed in 20% formalin and dissected. In this study, we observed the presence of 1 to 3 accessory cusps in both commissures of the main cusps; there was only a single case in which the cusps were absent. Since the presence of these cusps in cattle hearts has been verified, we suggest new terminology to describe these anatomical details that currently have no reference in the available literature.


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Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Designation and frequency of the accessory cusps in the left atrioventricular valve of cattle hearts. (2024). Pubvet, 18(10), e1663.