Determination of tracheal diameter reference values compared to thorax entry in clinically normal Shih-tzu dogs




Particularities, radiography, Shih-tzu


The trachea has the important function of connecting the upper and lower respiratory systems, it has a flexible tubular structure, containing cartilaginous rings along its entire length. Technology, through imaging exams, makes it possible to study this organ, and can then diagnose dysfunctions and natural thinning of its diameter, as occurs with the Shih-tzu breed (brachycephalic). The study with brachycephalic breeds aims to define racial characteristics in relation to the aforementioned organ, through radiographic examination. Image analysis was performed with 24 Shih-tzus of both sexes from 1 to 9 years old, in the study 41.67 of the dogs of both sexes obtained values within the references studied; 25% of the animals obtained values equal to and above 0.2 as non-brachycephalic dogs and 33.33% were below 0.16 as dogs of the bulldog breed. Further studies are needed to understand the particularities of the breed for a better clinical understanding of these breeds.


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Distribuição pulacional do diâmetro traqueal de cães Shih-tzu na cidade de Barreiras (Bahia). Resultados a partir de imagens Raio-x digital da região torácica. Grupo 1: normal. Grupo 2: não braquicefálicos; Grupo 3: Buldogue.





Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Determination of tracheal diameter reference values compared to thorax entry in clinically normal Shih-tzu dogs. (2024). Pubvet, 18(10), E1662.

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