Bladder urolithiasis in a mixed-breed dog

Case report


  • Renata da Silva Pereira Ormond Universidade Unigranrio|Afya
  • Marcelo Alves Herdy Universidade Unigranrio|Afya
  • Thereza Christina de Vasconcelos Universidade Unigranrio|Afya



female dog, cystotomy, diet, lithiasis


The objective of this work was to report the cystotomy procedure in a dog, mixed-breed, aged 8 years, treated in São João de Meriti, RJ (Brazil), diagnosed with urinary obstruction. Urolithiasis is defined as a condition that can affect both dogs and cats, being common in small animals. Due to changes in the composition of urine, supersaturation of one or more substances may occur, leading to the precipitation of stones. Anamnesis, clinical signs and complementary exams are necessary to confirm the diagnosis. The treatment indicated in most cases is surgical removal associated with therapeutic measures that help prevent recurrence. The dog was seen at a veterinary clinic in RJ on June 16, 2023, with suspected bladder obstruction. Based on the results of the laboratory tests, the treatment of choice was surgery, and was carried out on June 17, 2023, through cystotomy and supportive medications for the post-operative period such as antibiotic therapy, anti-inflammatories and analgesics. After the end of the medications, the patient returned for evaluation and removal of the stitches, concluding that the cystotomy procedure was effective in the animal's recovery.


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Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Bladder urolithiasis in a mixed-breed dog: Case report. (2024). Pubvet, 18(08), e1631.

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