Ultrasonographic diagnostic correlation and laboratory tests in dogs with suggestive nephropathy changes at the veterinary


  • Jayne Viscardi Kovalski Centro Universitário da Grande Dourados https://orcid.org/0009-0003-0911-9518
  • Andrieli Balbinot Centro Universitário da Grande Dourados




Renal disease, ultrasonographic evaluation, azotemia, canines


Renal disease refers to the presence of morphological or functional lesions in one or both kidneys. To diagnose renal alterations, it is necessary to associate clinical evaluation of the patient and perform complementary tests, such as imaging exams, urinalysis, hemogram, and renal biochemistry for adequate diagnosis. The objective of this study was to determine the correlation between ultrasonographic findings suggesting nephropathy and laboratory tests of renal biochemistry (serum urea and creatinine levels), hemogram, urinalysis, and UP/C. Thus, a data survey was conducted through frequency and descriptive analysis to identify the differences, or absence thereof, between these exams. The data collected refer to canine patients who were treated at the UNIGRAN veterinary clinic between January and October 2022. Upon ultrasonographic examination, 164 patients had nephropathy, and 38.41% represented the number of samples evaluated by hemogram, with only 30.15% of these patients showing compatible alterations in both exams. In renal biochemistry, the number of samples represented 34.14%, with 17.85% of these being compatible with the ultrasound examination. In urinalysis, 9.14% represented the number of samples evaluated, while 86.66% showed alterations compatible with the imaging exam. According to the survey conducted in this study, the examination that showed the highest diagnostic accuracy was the ultrasonographic examination. Of the patients who showed abnormalities in ultrasonography and underwent all complementary exams, only 1.2% of the patients had all laboratory tests altered (hemogram, renal biochemistry, urinalysis, and UP/C). Renal ultrasonography and urinalysis were the exams that, when associated, had the highest compatibility in the result.


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Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Viscardi Kovalski J, Balbinot A. Ultrasonographic diagnostic correlation and laboratory tests in dogs with suggestive nephropathy changes at the veterinary. Pubvet [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 25 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];18(08):e1638. Available from: https://ojs.pubvet.com.br/index.php/revista/article/view/3714