Canine mammary and cystic hyperplasia

Case report




Arnica montana, Bryonia alba, Calcarea fluorica, Phytolacca decandra


Mammary hyperplasia is a benign proliferation of the epithelial and mesenchymal stroma of the mammary glands. This condition can be caused by the increase of progesterone in the circulation. This study reports the case of a female Pitbull that presented clinical symptoms of mammary and cystic hyperplasia five months after the weaning of her litter of eight. The cytological test of the dog's breasts via puncture with a fine needle confirmed mastitis. The histopathological test demonstrated mammary hyperplasia with ductal fibrosis and a cystic area in the right breast (M5R). Initially, the homeopathic treatment was established with the prescription of Bryonia alba 6cH, Phytolacca decandra6cH and Arnica montana 30cH. On the fifth day of treatment, the complete resolution of the inflammatory condition of the left mammary chain (ML) was achieved. The right mammary chain (MR) demonstrated the resolution of M1 to M4, with persistence of a focal inflammatory area in the right M5 (M5R). In order to continue treatment of the inflammatory residue in M5R, Calcarea fluorica 9cH was added on the tenth day of treatment, in addition to the other previously mentioned homeopathic medications. The treatment period lasted 45 days, proving effective for the left breast, and resolving 90% of the inflammatory condition in the right breast, from M1 to M4. After this period, the animal underwent mammary biopsy of the M5R in a unilateral mastectomy procedure. It was concluded that the chosen homeopathic medication is an option for the treatment of mammary and cystic hyperplasia in dogs.


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Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Canine mammary and cystic hyperplasia: Case report. (2024). Pubvet, 18(06), e1613.