Mesenteric torsion in a cat

Case report


  • Rennan Cesar da Silva Universidade do Oeste Paulista
  • Gabriel Montoro Nicácio Universidade do Oeste Paulista
  • Maurílio Frattini Palácio Universidade do Oeste Paulista



Exploratory laparotomy, feline, intestinal torsion, mesenteric volvulus


Mesenteric torsion is a rare condition in felines, usually affecting large breed dogs. Diagnosis is quite challenging due to the lack of pathognomonic clinical signs, often resulting in sudden death of the animal. This report documents mesenteric torsion in a feline with a history of severe diarrhea. Ultrasonographic exams revealed thickening of the intestinal wall, displaying a multi-layered appearance and increased echogenicity. Emergency therapy was initiated, followed by surgical intervention involving exploratory laparotomy, confirming a 360-degree mesenteric torsion in the jejunal region. Successful enterectomy and enterostomy of the incarcerated portion were performed, leading to the patient's survival.


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