Casuistics in veterinary endocrinology: analysis of the care of 263 cases of dogs and cats during the year 2023.


  • Rafaela Drielli Bueno Ferreira Associação Nacional de Clínicos Veterinários de Pequenos Animais
  • Thayná de Fátima Cesare Gonçalves Universidade Anhembi Morumbi



Casuistry, endocrinology, diabetes, Hyperadrenocorticism, obesity


This article presents a detailed analysis of 263 cases treated in the endocrinology sector of the Anclivepa Mazei Unit during the year 2023, exposing a significant change in the profile of endocrine diseases in dogs and cats. The results indicated a marked prevalence of obesity, reaching 20,53% of cases, and diabetes mellitus, representing 19,39%. Notably, the distribution by sex revealed a predominance of females (57.79%), of which a large proportion were castrated (80.26%). In terms of age groups, the highest proportion of animals treated were over 8 years old (68.82%). Furthermore, the analysis of the body score condition showed that, in addition to obese animals, 28.52% were overweight and 33.08% maintained an ideal weight, highlighting the need for nutritional intervention and weight management. Comparatively, the observed frequency of hypothyroidism was only 4.94%, marking a significant contrast with previous studies that highlighted this condition as one of the most prevalent in endocrine clinical settings. This study suggests that changes in pet lifestyle, influenced by owner practices, along with advances in diagnostic methods, play a crucial role in observed endocrine health trends. We also highlight the critical need to educate owners in regards to proper feeding and exercise practices for their animals, in addition to the importance of advancing the diagnosis and treatment of these conditions.


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Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Ferreira RDB, Gonçalves T de FC. Casuistics in veterinary endocrinology: analysis of the care of 263 cases of dogs and cats during the year 2023. Pubvet [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];18(06):e1615. Available from: