Non-prescription medication in companion animals in Curuguaty, one-health approach
Medication, veterinary prescription, animalsAbstract
The indiscriminate use of medication in animals without medical prescription is a bad practice that can lead to undesirable consequences, from inappropriate medication, to wrong dosage and frequency, and risks to the health of other animals, humans and the environment. The objective of this research was to determine the frequency of pet medication without a veterinary prescription in the municipality of Curuguaty, 2023, through an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study carried out between August and November 2023. The random sampling technique consisted of applying a survey to 151 pet owners (dogs and cats). The following variables were evaluated: pet medication without veterinary prescription, pharmacological products used and risk perception. The analysis of results was carried out using descriptive statistics of absolute and percentage frequencies, using the SPSS statistical software. A percentage of 70.20% of people medicated their pets without a veterinary’s prescription, the most utilized pharmacological products being antiparasitics (53%), 92.70% of people acknowledging the risk. The study showed that the irrational use of medication in companion animals without a prescription carried out by a veterinarian in the population of Curuguaty is frequent, which is why we must insist on the dissemination of information about the consequences of improper usage of medication, both for animals and for public health.
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