Ventral slot technique for spinal decompression in a dog with cervical intervertebral disc extrusion: Case report
Surgery, intervertebral disc disease, ventral slot, neurologyAbstract
Intervertebral disc disease is the most common myelopathy in dogs, with the cervical region accounting for up to 25% of cases. The main type of intervertebral disc herniation is Hansen type I intervertebral disc extrusion, which involves the displacement of degenerated disc material into the vertebral canal through a fissure in the dorsal annulus fibrosus, leading to spinal cord compression. The most common clinical sign of cervical extrusions is cervical hyperesthesia, and associated neurological deficits are less frequent when compared to thoracolumbar extrusions. In this sense, our objective is to report a case of cervical intervertebral disc extrusion in a Pinscher dog who underwent the ventral slot surgical procedure associated with fenestration of the intervertebral disc for spinal decompression. The treatment resulted in complete recovery of the patient's clinical condition, absence of pain and good quality of life.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Yuan Goes Ribeiro Campos, Murilo Henrique Dias da Silva, Maria Vitória Muchacho Soares, Bernardo De Caro Martins

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