Influence of the number of shoots on the production of banana seedlings


  • Thiago de Godoy Nunes Centro Universitário Brasília de Goiás
  • Thiago Henrique Silva Centro Universitário Brasília de Goiás
  • Juracy Mendes Moreira Centro Universitário Brasília de Goiás
  • Solemar Maria Neves Faculdade SOBRESP
  • Aurélio Ferreira Melo Centro Universitário Brasília de Goiás



Banana, plantation, spread


This experiment took place in the municipality of Arenópolis, Goiás (Brazil). The soil was classified as Purple Oxisol, with a relatively flat and well-drained topography. A randomized block design was used in the 3 x 2 x 4 factorial scheme, in which three types of sprouts were tested (small horn, horn and large horn) and two types of fertilizer (organic and chemical) in four blocks. For organic fertilization, 5 liters of farmyard manure was mixed with soil from the previously opened pit and, for mineral fertilization, 125g of ammonium sulfate (20% Nitrogen) and 83g of simple superphosphate (18% P2O5) were used per pit. To control nematodes, Carbofuran was applied at a dose of 50g around the clump, with two annual applications, the first in February and the second in September. Seven annual sprayings were carried out against Sigatoka disease (Mycosphaerella musicola Leach) every 30 days, except for the months from May to September, when low temperatures inhibit the microorganism. 400 seedlings of the dwarf variety were used in this trial, with each plot composed of 10 clumps, spaced 2.0 m apart in rows and 2.5 m apart in columns. As the value of the F statistic (0.18321) for treatments is lower than the critical value at the 5% probability level (2.77), it is not significant at this level (P > 0.05). Therefore, it is not possible to reject the null hypothesis, and we conclude that the evaluated treatments have similar effects. Accordingly, the value of the F statistic (0.26718) for blocks is lower than the critical value at the 5% probability level (3.16), making it not significant at this level (P > 0.05). Therefore, the null hypothesis is accepted and it is concluded that the factor controlled by blocks does not influence the production of seedlings. For the interaction (type of seedling and fertilization), the value of the F statistic (1.5733) is less than the critical value at the 5% probability level (3.55), meaning it is non-significant at this level (P > 0.05). Therefore, we cannot reject the null hypothesis and have concluded that seedling production is independent of fertilization.


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How to Cite

Influence of the number of shoots on the production of banana seedlings. (2023). Pubvet, 18(01), e1540.

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