Multicenter retrospective study of primary orthopedic conditions in canine pelvic limbs in Manaus, Amazonas, from 2018 to 2021




canine, epidemiology, orthopedics, trauma


The incidence of orthopedic conditions is quite high in clinical and surgical practice, representing about a third of cases in companion animals. In this context, our objective was to conduct a retrospective study of the main orthopedic disorders of the hind limbs in dogs treated in veterinary clinics in Manaus, AM, from 2018 to 2021. A review of canine patient records was conducted, considering only the medical records with orthopedic complaints in the hind limbs that had documented history and confirmed diagnosis. Out of a total of 103 records analyzed, it was identified that 29.13% (n=30) of the animals presented long bone fractures, 24.27% (n=25) pelvic fractures, 13.59% (n=14) hip dysplasia, 11.65% (n=12) patellar luxation, 8.74% (n=9) cranial cruciate ligament rupture, 8.74% (n=9) traumatic hip dislocation, and 3.88% (n=4) concomitant conditions. Regarding long bone fractures, 65.64% (n = 21) were femoral fractures, and 34.38% (n = 11) were tibia/fibula fractures. Traumatic conditions were identified in 65.05% (n = 67) of cases, with 73.13% (n = 49) resulting from vehicular accidents, 23.88% (n = 16) from falls, and 2.99% (n = 2) from other accidents. It was also found that the frequency of these conditions was higher in small dogs (71.84%, n = 74), mixed-breed dogs (41.75%, n = 43) and males (56.31%, n = 58). Based on these findings, it can be stated that there is a high number of fractures of the appendicular skeleton caused by trauma in dogs in the city of Manaus, which demonstrates the importance of epidemiological knowledge for the diagnosis of the most common orthopedic conditions, as well as guidance for clinicians on the conditions commonly identified in the clinical-surgical routine.


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Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Campos YGR, Souza RFB de, Soares MVM, Santo EF do E, Souza ANA de. Multicenter retrospective study of primary orthopedic conditions in canine pelvic limbs in Manaus, Amazonas, from 2018 to 2021. Pubvet [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 11 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];17(11):e1474. Available from:

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